We have trained finance, government affairs, and strategy managers in many, many tech companies, banks like Citibank, and securities companies so they can better understand the costs and opportunities in the renewable energy space.
Finance in tech and renewable energy industries is a very specialized but large scale subset of the Finance industry. A simple recent course outline is below;
Decarbonization, Government Policies, and Finance
Topic 1 - Decarbonization - Away from Fossil Fuels
T2 - Legacy or Historic Carbon and GHGs (Greenhouse Gases)
T3 - Present and Future Carbon and GHGs
T4 - Carbon Scorecards and Dashboards
T5 - Renewable Energy Technologies are a Solution, But Have Costs
T6 - Government Policy and Mandates are Driving Change
T7 - Country, State, and Local Decarbonization
T8 - We Will Need a New Workforce